Case Study | SharePoint to Power Migration

Industry: Manufacturing

Products & Services: Nintex forms-based applications migration to Power Apps.

About the Client

Sunflower was formed in 1957 by six distribution cooperatives serving in western Kansas. They created a company based on the cooperative business model that could provide wholesale generation and transmission services. They could have chosen other business models, but they did not.

As distribution cooperatives, they understood the importance of the 7 cooperative principles of being member-owned and governed and of creating a company that focuses not on profit but on the best interest of Kansans and their way of life.

Why Sunflower needed this migration?

Sunflower recently migrated from SharePoint on-prem to SharePoint Online. They have extensively used Nintex and SharePoint Classic designer workflows in business applications, and the same got carried over to SharePoint online with migration. As a result of migration to SharePoint, some evident challenges needed to be addressed within stringent timelines.

With Microsoft's recently ended support for SharePoint 2010, Sunflower decided to migrate to another platform, especially when no news instances are allowed to run in SharePoint Online.

Other challenges were Microsoft's plan to stop SharePoint 2013 designer workflows in SharePoint online and adopt Microsoft Power Platform over Nintex Online.

Business Requirements

With Microsoft's recently ended support for SharePoint 2010, Sunflower decided to migrate to another platform, especially when no news instances are allowed to run in SharePoint Online.

Other challenges were Microsoft's plan to stop SharePoint 2013 designer workflows in SharePoint online and adopt Microsoft Power Platform over Nintex Online.

Read about Jade Global's Deployment Approach for minimum downtime that overcame multiple complexities, moving business-critical workflows within the expected timeline.

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