Cloud Operations Management Solution - Cloud-FIT
Cloud Operations Management Solution - Cloud-FIT

Cloud-FIT - An AI-powered Oracle SaaS Ops Management Solution

Are you still waiting to see the expected ROI from your Oracle Fusion Applications? Many organizations fail to fully utilize the new features introduced for Oracle SaaS Applications, typically utilizing only 40%-50% of the available functionalities. This underutilization of Oracle Fusion features often leads companies to cover the "functionality gaps'' with expensive customizations that impede the expected ROI and lead to technical debt over time.

Introducing Cloud-FIT, AI-powered Oracle Cloud Operations Management Solution by Jade Global, a certified Oracle Partner. Cloud-FIT analyzes your existing IT environment and provides you with Gen-AI recommendations on which existing features can optimize your Oracle Fusion applications. This reduces your customization needs by up to 30%, as well as cuts the costs of Testing, Upgrades, and Managed Services.

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How is Cloud-FIT Different?

Cloud-FIT is an ROI-focused AI-powered Oracle SaaS Ops Management Solution that aims to maximize your Oracle Cloud Investments and minimize maintenance costs.

Automated Functional Implementation Tracker (FIT)

Automated Functional Implementation Tracker (FIT)

Cloud-FIT generates an Automated Tracker (FIT) that examines your system’s current features, compares them to the latest Oracle Release, and then pinpoints your enhancement needs.

Automated Release Impact Analysis Icon

Automated Release Impact Analysis

Choose the Release version and get an automated impact analysis report for your implemented functions across different modules

AI-driven Feature Recommendations Icon

AI-driven Feature Recommendations

Reduce the need for customization in your Oracle Fusion applications, and the subsequent technical debt with Cloud-FIT’s Gen-AI recommending you the already available features relevant to your business.

Enhancement Request Assessment Icon

Enhancement Request Assessment

Submit your enhancement requests and get your requirements assessed against Oracle's standard functionalities. This can help you sidestep unwanted costly customizations.

Targeted Testing Icon

Targeted Testing

By pinpointing specific features for your Oracle Fusion applications, Cloud-FIT eliminates the need to test every feature. It facilitates targeted testing and thus reduces costs and minimizes post-production impact.

Regression Test Automation Icon

Regression Test Automation

Leverage Jade’s proprietary Software test automation tool Xenon and implement any new enhancement with minimal cost and time investment.

Business Benefits with Cloud-FIT

Business Benefits of Cloud-FIT
Cloud Operations Management Solution Datasheet

Cloud-FIT Datasheet

AI-Powered Oracle Cloud SaaS Ops Management Solution

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Cloud-FIT- Built by Oracle Certified Experts

Maximize your Oracle Cloud Investments with the expertise and experience of industry experts who have been transforming business processes for two decades now.

650+ERP Projects

600+Oracle Consultants

20+Prebuilt Solutions & Accelerators

100+Oracle Cloud Customers

5+Customer Satisfaction Score


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