
Electronics, Semiconductor, Telecommunications

About the Client

A Fabless semiconductor organization based in the USA with a market presence all over the Globe.

Business Challenges

  • Existing intranet portal built on phased out technology (MOSS/SharePoint 2007) is no longer supported by Microsoft
  • Default out of the box features & SharePoint Plain UI
  • No Rich UI & no support on Mobile
  • No provision to make announcements or raise awareness about events
  • Not all departments covered in the portal
  • Poor search capability
  • Not Integrated with business apps
  • Extra human efforts to manage and maintain an application

Business Requirements

  • Build a new Corporate Intranet portal covering all departments
  • Global landing page for Intranet to display company-wide events, announcements, stock price & links to department sites
  • Development of department sites with each department’s landing page with customizable content to display & CMS
  • Responsive and Scalable Web site structure.
  • Rich & modern UI/UX design for high usability
  • Common style sheets/Color palettes across the portal pages
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Business Benefits

  • Created a responsive and dynamic website using SharePoint 2016 on-premise, Bootstrap and JQuery
  • Uniform look & feel through SharePoint Master Page & Page Layout features
  • Content management through SharePoint Lists & Libraries
  • Security/Access control through use of SharePoint Permissions and AD groups
  • Simple interface to add and manage content & new pages

The Solution

  • Created a responsive and dynamic website using SharePoint 2016 on-premise, Bootstrap and JQuery
  • Uniform look & feel through SharePoint Master Page & Page Layout features
  • Content management through SharePoint Lists & Libraries
  • Security/Access control through the use of SharePoint Permissions and AD groups
  • Simple interface to add and manage content & new pages.
  • Use of new technologies like SharePoint Enterprise Search & Enterprise Wiki
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