Case Study: Oracle Cloud Support for Retail Company

Case Study Overview

A Oracle Cloud Support and Enhancement Case Study for Retail Company

Client: Save A Lot

Industry: Retail

Tech Stack: Oracle Cloud Support Case Study

About the Client

Save A Lot is a Supermarket discount company whose corporate office is in Antonio, Missouri, United States. It operates 1000 self-owned corporate stores and retail stores across 32 states in different locations in the United States. Each store contains an assortment of fresh, canned, and frozen products, meat products, household items, and everyday essentials items. Save A Lot was founded by Bill Moran in the year 1977. As per the year 2020, Save A Lot‘s recapitalization stands to net $350 M. In Dec 2021; the company shifted to a wholesale model where the company decided to sell its 300 corporate-operated stores to current and new retail partners.

About Oracle Cloud Engagement

  • Jade is engaged with Save A Lot to provide a multi-year Enhancement and Support Contract for their state-of-the-art ERP system based on the Oracle Cloud SaaS and PaaS model.
  • The application landscape includes Oracle Cloud Financials, Project Portfolio Management, and Supply Chain Management.
  • Project Portfolio Management - Project Costing
  • Procurement - Purchasing
  • Self Service Procurement
  • Human Capital Management - Human Resource Employee
  • Jade has provided business transformation, application migrations projects, and SLA-b

Business Requirements

  • Save A Lot incurs various expenses for constructing a new Store. These expenses are categorized under various heads like IT labor, Outside services, internally developed software, etc.
  • Save A Lot needed a mechanism to show the monthly CIP assets cost to be capitalized and a reconciliation report that should tie with GL balances for the CIP Cost account and Unit.
  • The report math should work as CIP Cost need to be capitalized = GL Balance – {PPM Report Balance + Asset additions (if any)}
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Business Challenges


There was a business challenge to get CIP assets to cost based on the accounting period, and the GL account string needed to be capitalized. There was no seeded Oracle report that could meet the business requirement.


No Reconciliation dashboard or report is available, which can be used for reconciling the Subledger (Project cost) and General Ledger balances. This reconciliation is critical for the business to derive the CIP asset cost, which must be capitalized in a specific accounting period.

Retail Company

Lots of manual effort is involved in deriving the CIP Asset cost for specific reconciling GL code combinations based on project, task, and unit combinations

“I wanted to take a moment and congratulate you and your team on a monumental disengagement from our previous parent company UNFI. You continually inspire your team (and me) through your dedication and “can do” attitude. The team’s efforts have been invaluable in achieving our project milestones. Their attention to detail and laser-sharp focus contribute to Save A Lot’s success. I cannot imagine that any other lean team could have disengaged, participated in other disengagement projects, and conducted operations on time and within budget. Combined with high marks in customer satisfaction from our business partners. Thank you for the coordination! Ready to conquer upcoming projects.”

Maria Biffar – Dir Corp Systems, Save A Lot

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