Comprehensive SAP BRIM Datasheet | SAP Partner | Jade Global

Build a profitable subscription business with up to 30% revenue growth through automated billing.

This datasheet introduces Jade Global’s Subscription Management Solution built with SAP BRIM.

The Challenge

Building a successful subscription flow for each customer, recognizing revenue and accounting is not easy. Managing the high volume of transactional data is a major challenge. Customers expect clear visibility and a simple invoice statement. Disorganized processes can lead to high Days of Sales Outstanding and cash flow delays.

The Solution

Revamp your subscription business’s contract-to-cash process with Jade Global’s SAP BRIM subscription management solution and achieve a 20% reduction in customer complaints and up to 30% revenue growth.

Jade Global, a certified SAP partner, brings to you a comprehensive Subscription Management solution, designed on BRIM (Billing and Revenue Innovation Management) solution in SAP S/4 HANA.

Benefits to your Business

  • 20-30% improvement in revenue with improved process visibility
  • 20% reduction in customer complaints with a simplified, unified bill
  • 30- 40% faster with automation in billing processes
  • Scalable for future requirement

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