Are you customizing your offerings for individual customers to give them a compelling reason to buy?
Does diverging from the standard quotes result in enhanced cash flow, as intended? Perhaps occasionally, but not usually! It’s straightforward math - a fee lower than usual for extra services will lead to losses.
The solution lies with Configure, Price, and Quote (CPQ). It is an AI-powered solution that gives your sales reps the power and confidence to create accurate pre-approved quotes, resulting in the quick closing of deals. It provides a centralized workflow for quotations, contracts, and subscriptions.
What is the Quote to Cash Challenge?
Even with a CPQ at the core, deploying a distinct infrastructure that meets your organization’s ‘quote-to-cash’ protocol is challenging. Besides, there are bottlenecks like slow deployment, high failure rate, and budget overruns.
Jade can help you to get answers for your ‘Quote-to-Cash’ optimization need with Salesforce CPQ deployment and gain maximum ROI.
Key Learnings:
- Scope of ‘Quote-to-Cash’ automation with Copado DevOps
- Salesforce CPQ deployment and maintenance support by Jade
- Effective integration with organizational apps
- Salesforce CPQ optimization in line with business growth and dynamic releases
- How Jade helps enable more flexible support for changing business priorities