Whitepaper: B2B Integration with AS2 in Boomi

This whitepaper describes AS2 message format, configuration and steps to implement B2B integration solution using AS2 protocol in Boomi.

AS2: AS2 (Applicability Statement 2) is a popular protocol to transmit data securely and reliably over the internet. AS2 supports the encryption of messages that are then exchanged with trading partners and vendors via HTTPS. These messages are built using the S/MIME format. Mainly, AS2 is used to exchange different data such as EDI, XML, or Custom Documents between partners.

B2B: Business-to-Business (B2B) Integration is the automation of business processes and communication between two or more organizations. It allows them to work and trade more effectively with their customers, suppliers and business partners by automating key business processes.


We face below common challenges while implementing AS2:

  • Identifying required info between partners to setup AS2 connection
  • Processing of multiple data formats with same partner using single AS2 ID in Boomi
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